quick and easy noodle soup

Leek (1/2, sliced)
Garlic (2 cloves, crushed)
Ginger (thumb sized, chopped fine)
Carrot (1 peeled and sliced)
Broccoli (1/3 head, florets)
Spring onions (2, sliced fine)
Miso paste (1 tsp)
Soy sauce (a dash)
Sriracha (a dash)
Veg stock (1 cube)
Quick cook noodles (however many you want)
Sunflower oil

For tofu:
Soy sauce
Sunflower oil
Corn flour

Coriander, bell pepper, cabbage, whatever veg.

Chop tofu into small cubes and coat in soy sauce, sriracha, and sunflower oil. Use enough that there isn’t a pool at the bottom of the bowl and the tofu cubes aren’t too wet. Add a tablespoon of cornflour and coat until no white spots are left. Place on tray in oven at 200C. They should be done by the time the soup is ready.
Fry leek, garlic and ginger in oil until slightly brown.
Add carrots and veg stock with plenty of water (1-2 cups).
Add miso paste, sriracha, soy sauce, and cook for a few minutes.
Add the rest of the veg and boil for a few minutes.
Add the noodles and cook until soft. Add more water if necessary as the noodles will soak a lot of it up. Season to taste with soy sauce and sriracha.
Serve soup with fresh coriander and tofu.

easy masala sauce

Onion (1, chopped fine)
Garlic (1 clove, crushed)
Ground ginger (1/2 tsp)
Paprika (1/2 tsp)
Turmeric (1/4 tsp)
Curry powder (1 tsp)
Sriracha (a squirt)
Tomato puree (1 tbsp)
Coconut milk (2/3 can or 1 can)
Soy sauce (a dash)
Salt & pepper

Fresh herbs, chili powder, etc.

Fry onion in sunflower oil until soft and golden.
Add garlic and spices and lightly fry.
Add Sriracha, tomato paste, coconut milk, and soy sauce.
Stir well and allow to cook down for at least 10 minutes. Taste and season.

Serve with veg, rice, seitan, etc.